It was only a matter of time before Apple would call and call they did. Apple produces and records commercials used throughout the mainstream media inside the main headquarters building, often referred to as the "Spaceship" for obvious reasons. We were commissioned to complete a viewing room where the upper administration would come to view these commercials. This was an amazing building, the parking lot itself is worth the price of admission.

Completed in 1914 on South Broadway, the Herald Examiner Building, featuring Spanish Colonial Revival architecture, was the first collaboration between Hearst and architect Julia Morgan, who went on to design his palatial Hearst Castle estate in San Simeon. Arizona State University, ASU, moved in last month and now has room to educate as many as 500 students a day, A large auditorium for events fills the space where the printing presses once stood and we were commissioned to build the system used to broadcast these events.
The American Forces Network (AFN) is a government television and radio broadcast service the U.S. military provides to those stationed or assigned overseas. AFN has 2 broadcast locations, one at March Air Force Base in California, which we built in 2017, and this one at Fort Meade in Maryland. The rack room where we installed our equipment had over a hundred racks, 7 of which we used. The other racks were occupied by various government agencies, including the NSA. This necessitated a full time military escort the entire time we were in the building, including the bathroom. If you thought the security was tight at March AFB, this place was ridiculous.

The State of California decided to build a broadcast facility in the basement of the Capital building in Sacramento. This building is 150 years old and trying to find paths to run our cabling was a huge challenge as they didn't anticipate this that long ago. If it weren't for the electricians who have been there for decades we would never had succeeded.
SONY PlayStation was located in a number of buildings just north of San Diego when one of the bigger buildings in the complex became available. So, they decided to bundle all the departments under one roof. This involved building a foley studio, a number of audio editing rooms as well as half a dozen unique conference rooms, including a board room. This was a great gig as the Karl Strauss brewery was right next door.

They said it couldn't be done, they said it would take a miracle for us to open on time, but open we did to much critical acclaim.

KTNV ABC 13: Esports arena at Luxor expected to be a game changer

After 2 1/2 months of building the eSports system in SoCal, it's time for a road trip. For the next 3-5 weeks, we'll be on-site at the Luxor Hotel & Casino for the last leg of the install. This is going to be a bit difficult, as all the crews working on this project are union (nothing gets done in Vegas without the union being involved), so hopefully, we'll all play well together and get this job done correctly.

Work begins on the eSports Arena project. This 10 rack system, including an audio control room, a production control room, and various editing and viewing suites, will see us building a system capable of broadcasting throughout the world 6 on 6 video game battles in the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas. For more information click on this link : https://www.esportsarena.com/lasvegas/
It is with the heaviest heart that we have to say goodbye to our friend and INTEXcable endorser, Erick Preston. Erick had multiple talents and abilities but is best known and appreciated for his musical skills and contributions to the local music community. From traveling on the road with Joe Frazier and Kool and the Gang to teaching local up-and-coming guitarists. Our condolences to his wife Holly and the entire Preston family; he will be missed, R.I.P.

After 3 months of building the AFN system, it's time for a road trip. For the next 3 weeks, we'll be on-site at March Air Force Base for the last leg of the install (security here is crazy!)

With the Nixon Library completed and working properly, we start on a video transmission system for the Armed Forces Network. The majority of this system will be built in Murrieta CA before we move the racks and perform the final install at March AFB in Moreno Valley CA.
No rest for the wicked. We no sooner got home from Arizona than we were asked to participate in a project whose style we've never done before, a museum. So here we are at the Richard M. Nixon Library & Museum in Yorba Linda, CA. This should be interesting.

After 2+ months in the hot Arizona desert, we have finished the SneakyBig studios with much acclaim. What a great studio and although it wasn't without its moments of difficulty, a great experience building it. Now to drive home 400 miles in the middle of the day, 1/2 of which will be through the desert with no air conditioning, brutal. I'll leave you with some pictures of the final product.
3 weeks of lacing rack after the rack has left us a bit tired and in need of some cooler weather; good thing we're leaving tonight for the cool beaches of Carlsbad CA.
After 4 hard weeks running cable all over the facility, we're going home to SoCal for 3 days of R&R.
Leaving today for Scottsdale AZ to go build Sneaky Big, a state of the art world-class production facility. SNEAKY BIG will be one of Arizona’s largest and most technologically advanced production facilities.
Located in Scottsdale and encompassing over 15,000 square feet, this fully integrated facility offers the perfect setting for television and commercial shoots, rehearsal and recording sessions, web/media production, press conferences, corporate training/videos, music videos, post production and video editing, color correction, photography, and events. Check it out at www.sneakybig.com.